U-Part-It Columbus

2338 Refugee Road, Columbus OH 43207
P: 614-444-5888 | F: 614-444-5893


How It Works

Full-Service Yard

Use the Search Inventory, Search by Image, or Multi-Part options above to search for the part or vehicle that you are looking for; if you don't find the exact part you are looking for, call or email us to assist you with your search. Once your purchase is made, we will pull your part and arrange for you to pick it up. We can also have the part shipped to you for an additional shipping and handling fee.

Self-Service Yard

If you are within easy driving distance of Columbus and want to save even more dollars, you can do the work of pulling the parts yourself. Vehicles in our self-service yard are stored on either concrete or asphalt to make it more convenient for you to access. Additionally, all vehicles are on storage stands for even easier access: no mud or weeds for you to fight.